0 GO0D MAN Composite Product (Modular)

1 minute read

The GO0D MAN system is the modular composition of the following ZDM products:

  • Smart Inspection Tools (SIT); which provide real-time defect detection, adaptive behavior, active management of measurement uncertainty, quality indicators extraction, self-diagnosis and self-calibration.
  • Multi-Agent System (MAS); which is able to abstract the multi-stage production line, interact between information and operational technologies levels (IT and OT), implement the cyber part of a cyber-physical system (CPS)
  • Data Analytics (DA); which permits real-time retrieval of data streams, early detection of patterns and trends in process/product quality
  • Knowledge Management (KM); which provides semantic lifting of data streams (from data to knowledge) and decision support (from knowledge to decision)

GO0D MAN Architecture


For more information, please have a look at go0dman-project.eu/.
